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@The Hood
Holy moly. I think you need an environmental consultant to sort this one out. They should be able to find a quick solution for you.
If the riparian zone is that big the creek must be fairly large?
Yep any soil brought in would need to be local unpolluted, and a bush regen team could do stabilisation works (geomatting, terracing, gabion baskets, planting native tubestock, fairly cheaply).
Hi, I’m a bit rusty on this, but water courses do come under environmental and planning legislation and I’m surprised your common property extends that far. Depending on the category of the water course (dependent on it’s size) there is usually a riparian protection zone, with width corresponding to category and size of the water course. And on council LEPs these are usually zoned environmental protection with restrictions on what can be done within the env protection zone. (Incidentally, early in the history of NSW governor King forbade clearing of riparian vegetation because ensuing damage and consequences of removing creek bank vegetation were already evident). I’d look on council LEP and check what it is mapped as, and what is allowed within that zone. Likely, it will need creek bank restoration works. If it’s just a drain, it shouldn’t be too involved, but if it’s an actual creek it might be part of an environmental corridor or a threatened ecological community (very likely in Fairfield) – even very degraded creeks fall under endangered community “Riverflat Forest” which could require native soils, native plants, geo matting, coir logs etc. You may need to hire a bush regeneration company to fix it for you. They are usually fairly cheap. If your building is less than 30 years old, conservation of this area was probably part of the original development consent and may be in the original plans.
If it’s the case I just read through, where the applicant has brought more than 70 cases in ten years against the owners corporation, I can see why the court dismissed it!
As others have advised, I’d definitely let this go.
Still very interesting and informative to read through cases and see which ones are dismissed versus which ones are successful, and why. It’s quite clear. Very helpful.
Hi Tones, I was thinking more about this.
Other people here can/ have answered your original question better than I can.
As far as council goes, if it’s just the mown strip at front between building and road, and you’re just wanting to plant flowers/ annuals/ smaller herbaceous plants without larger root systems and don’t pose any kind of hazard, Council are unlikely to bother much about it?
Yes, issues could be access to sewer, water and electrical, nbn etc underneath, power lines overhead, or affecting traffic visibility. Also removing any existing trees could be problematic (most councils have tree protection orders).
You can probably check councils land mapping on their website? Zoning and other layers. And talk to someone in the environment unit. Say you want to make a bird/ bee friendly garden , improve visual amenity, streetscape, inctease green space, contribute to cooling the urban environment – that sort of thing will tick boxes 🙂
Also with council on side you might get some funding, free mulch or plants from Council.
Hi, I work in a parks and gardens unit of a council. I’d definitely speak to the department of your council who manage the nature strip, and get permission before spending money or putting in your garden. It is public land and public assets, that belongs to the general public, not private property, and it will have a specified land use on your LEP and a specific allocated maintenance regime. It could turn into an ongoing saga. Council could remove your garden.
Some councils have programs for people to claim and beautify road verges or strip out front or may be friendly to it if it’s compatible with the intended land use or one of their policies or programs, such as increasing trees, or sustainable living >>> definitely explore these approaches.
As an example, an area I maintain is a patch of a critically endangered ecosystem located in the middle of a unit block. It was an offset as part of development conditions (ie units were only allowed to be built on the condition that that part remained as bushland conservation). A resident has complained about this “nature strip”. If someone was to put a garden in there they would be harming a federally listed critically endangered ecological community. It is a criminal offence and big fines and gaol terms can apply. So absolutely, check, talk to and get permission, make sure what you want to do is compatible with the allocated land use. Council also have obligations to maintain safety of the spaces they manage. So check, and make sure anything you do, you have council on side first.
Ah. I wasn’t sure what was meant by defect work. If the work itself was being paid for by insurance then alternative accommodation during works might have been possible.
It sounds terrible, especially with no notice.
I wonder what owners corporation responsibility is when they are part of lot property? We have lovely old style iron balustrades which are lot property and probably not safe, but can be made safe (I have netting on mine to keep my cats safe and keep out pigeons, and a drunk person would also bounce off and not go over the edge). You could add glass panels which would look better. An OC could still promote and encourage making railings safe.
Thanks Jimmy
Maybe check your strata insurance documents too, to see what’s covered under oc insurance, you could possibly claim the cost that way too
Hi Waylor, I’m still learning all this myself, but that sounds like major works that would require a special resolution >75% vote (based on lot entitlement) for the motion at a general meeting with owners. Are there any reports/ photos/ details of exactly what the problem is and what has caused it? Roof would be common property. Depending on the cause and what has actually occurred it might be claimable under insurance? If the roof slab is leaking it could be a leaking roof membrane which is common property and Owner’s Corporation responsibility to fix as part of maintenance. Roof tiling would be the same, unless damage occurred from a storm which might be claimable under insurance? Also you might be able to ask for more than 2 quotes? It might need urgently fixing though? I’d ask my strata manager for more information and time to digest it before the meeting. Also do the works constitute maintenance , eg. Repairing or replacing a membrane or repairing or replacing tiles with same tiles, or an improvement/ enhancement such as a fancy new roof? Both require a special resolution but the former is obligatory (duty to maintain common property) and may cost less.
Hopefully someone else on here can advise, as I’m not 100% certain.
Thanks guys. This forum helps to feel not so alone and check in if I’m on the right track, or just a lunatic (or both lol).
@86 well it turned out we actually paid for a cleaner, the tenants removed some of their junk, so partial success. I’ve installed a camera now, not my preference but I need facts for future occurrences.
@david, yes, well I’m still not sure who they are but I think there’s a grapevine here and hopefully that will work. In future I’d like to start a little newsletter, and a communal vegie garden, but I need to sort the current schmozzle first. And o I’d love to work beside a person like that too! It was very tempting to do as my committee member asked me to – “stop! Go to work, come home, go to sleep. Don’t worry about all this!” And yes I assume they’ve been running the ship a long while and would welcome some help. My other committee member told me he has cancer, and that’s why he doesn’t want stress, but also maybe it would help him to know he can pass things on to someone conscientious.@flametree I think the painting front of building would be a good one for the AGM as it’s probably got at least another 6 months before the wood supporting massive windows starts rotting. I need to research how you put up a motion. Not many owners attend meetings and if committee doesn’t vote for it then it provides a picture to the court if that becomes necessary, can issue an order to perform their function.
And yes, I’m hoping my nudges are giving people time to quietly fix things without having to go nuclear. They only have one formal meeting a year at the AGM.
And that’s a good point, I can always raise it again if it doesn’t get through the first time.
Here’s the thing. I moved in about 18 months ago. Before I bought I paid for a professional strata records search and a building report. The building looked well maintained for a 60 yo building. There was a works plan and healthy fund balance, but only 3 years of records, since newest strata manager. (I don’t think any capital works have been undertaken since new strata manager). I joined the committee after my first blissfully ignorant 12 months in my new place. Our contract says all duties are delegated to strata manager and it was voted at AGM that there are no restricted matters. Within that initial 12 months, our entire capital works fund was quietly (ie I received no notification) transferred by our strata manager to our admin fund. CW fund currently has $2000 in it. Prior to my first AGM I noticed this, and some large expenses. I asked for receipts and was provided some, but a large portion of “plumbing” was still unaccounted for. All costs are listed under admin. Nothing is listed as a capital works expense. Also there are expenses for lot property (relatively minor issue I can resolve going forward). At the AGM they told me it was an accounting mistake during transfer over to their new system, and that they’d correct it and resupply a corrected annual financial statement. This never eventuated. After 5 months I got mixed explanations, and finally some receipts, all for just under $500, all for bathroom leak investigations saying numerous bathrooms need fixing and in at least one case have damaged another units ceiling, and most as yet unremedied. When I asked why did it take so long to provide the receipts and why wasn’t the bathrooms issues mentioned to the committee, not even at AGM, I was sent the first financial report, saying it was the correct one, and got no further explanation. They also sent a pdf of contract for 3 years at higher cost with my signature on it. I said I’ve never seen this before and didn’t sign it. Then I found the original 12 month contract voted on at AGM, in my files and emailed it to my committee. I rang fair trading, who were useless, then began my research. I had 2 owners (one on committee) who seemed interested in self managing. They’ve both backed out. I had the one committee member who told me to shut up and go away. There’s 3 on committee including me. Most owners don’t live here and I don’t know who they are. The few owners that live here barely speak English and I can only speak English. Apparently they don’t want to change strata manager. They are all from the same country and religion and go to the same place of worship as our strata manager. They are a close community. In a good way. The person who told me to stop is a different ethnicity and not part of their community in that way.
Both the other committee members have lived here about 20 years.
Yesterday I spoke to the owner committee member frustrated with the rubbish. He told me yes you’re on the committee/ treasurer, go ahead, contact strata manager, get things done. I think he meant it sincerely.
I don’t know if the leaks are genuine, or whether forged receipts or a shonky deal with plumber.
I just sent a friendly email to my committee requesting an informal meeting to discuss strata law changes, strata hub, and what to do about leaks.
I’m checking up what the Act says about works fund transfers and if I can, will email SM and request that funds be transferred back. I will also request that no further money be spent on lot property.
I will also request a records inspection and see if I can establish owners contacts, and what leaks have been fixed or need fixing. Gathering more facts for sensible actions.
Yes, plugging away 🙂
So…. a most exciting update! (I need to get a life again, and I will once this strata stuff is sorted)…
I’m nearly at chocolate muffins stage. I followed the advice of people on this forum, toning it down, learning, taking the long view (still something of a roller coaster). And I joined the OCN network, most invaluable. From there I got a tip/ idea about a method to solve an ongoing problem in our building that has been bugging people. When tenants moved out this weekend they left a heap of rubbish and filled all our bins, then we ended up with disgusting rubbish strewn everywhere by birds and wind. So I emailed the strata manager very politely, with photos, and requested that they contact the property manager of that unit, to sort it out asap or send them the bill so clean up could be recovered from tenants bond. (I’m not anti tenant, I’m anti rubbish dumping). And it worked! The property manager got the tenants to come back and clean up their rubbish. And I said thank you to our strata manager. And for once we don’t have to clean up or pay for clean up of non resident owners tenants, which has been an ongoing issue.
I improved my relationship with our strata manager and hopefully showed the committee I can be useful.
Thank you Jimmy, and flat chatters and OCN!
It’s only the beginning, but it’s encouraging.
I can’t bring my self to make chocolate muffins yet. I’m disgusted, and still getting my head around it all and trying to see how it can be “ok”. In my book, stealing is stealing and if you can’t be open and straight up about your reasons it’s because you know you’re being dodgy. It’s a complex and frustrating situation. Just about anywhere else in Australia, the consumer guarantee applies and it’s fairly easy to work things out fairly. This is insane. (And I used to be an environmental consultant – that was peachy compared to this situation).
I understand a business needs to be paid appropriately for the service they provide. However if it’s not clear what you’re paying it’s hard to know what is fair to expect in return or to do due diligence or know whether things are being looked after ok or not at all. SM keep a tight rein on everything, hold all the records, are not open, and prevent communication between owners. Very small and opaque committee. I understand too if people feel entitled if they’re putting in while absent investors aren’t involved. It’s very limited, short term and selfish thinking though.
There’s no way to establish if works have been done or to communicate with other owners. The building will have to start falling apart and levies go up before anyone cares.
I’m doing as advised. Being quiet and polite. Educating my self. Observing. Seeing where and ways I could help (eg. I’m going to get some quotes for maintaining part of the building that needs painting, and offer that and see what happens). And try not to be completely disgusted with people and remember they’re just human 😀
Hi 86, far out! Your situation sounded like an absolute nightmare. And I’ve been reading so many horror stories from others that I think my situation is quite manageable.
From what you’ve said, I think I’m on the right track now, and now I have some perspective I’m a lot less panicked. There’s a lot going on I haven’t elaborated in order to keep it simple. But I lived here a year and was friendly and polite with everyone before I became aware of the situation (a person who’d been on the committee sold their unit, and I think things changed in the 8 months or so between that and the next AGM which was delayed due to covid lockdowns). Initially when people expressed their dissatisfaction I reminded them we weren’t paying much, or gave them a hand to change light bulbs ourselves when strata management wasn’t responding. Generally I got on with everyone. It has been quite a shock realising the state of strata management, that it is endemic.
I think, after considering what Jimmy said, that I shocked and scared people, because I mentioned going to fair trading, not knowing at the time what the consequences of that could be. All my consternation was directed at the SM, not my committee, still yes I probably did worry them. I stopped as soon as the one person asked me to. And fair trading advised me that I need the support of my committee.
Current contract runs till October. We’re considering self management (or degrees of), (one person on our committee has done it successfully previously) so I am thoroughly researching that, and have time to do that and get to know and build trust with the committee that I’m part of. Definitely we’ve got to work together. So, we may work it out 🙂