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  • in reply to: Prostitutes Working From Home in strata schemes #68997

      Hi Julie. If you can raise with SCA I’d appreciate. I had a go but never got a response.

      There was gov’t report by an expert (I’ve yet to check the area of expertise) and the commenting phase is finished and the legislation passed and proclaimed.

      The planning laws are no more than standard now wrt prostitution.

      I was aware of the oppressive aspects of rules and the OC Act is subordinate to other legislation and I think Victorian Human Rights could be a significant problem aside from the new Sex Workers act.

      Similarly I was thinking on ingress/egress restrictions. A thought was a rule that small business must not have clients attend the place of business.  Hadn’t thought of requiring guests to be signed – so thanks. And for the admin fee suggestion.

      If you get any SCA responses please let me know.  I will be contacting a state minister that represents my area plus other OC’s nearby. And yes it will need careful lawyering. We do have a good one but it would be better if the industry body lead.

      It is not as if my building has a current problem but another OC has had and why wait to have the problem. I like to liaise with other OC’s in my area on community safety.

      Gov’t is incredibly tone death.



      in reply to: Prostitutes Working From Home in strata schemes #68995

        Jimmy-T Security cameras are a discouragement but people learn to wear caps and look down to make it hard to get facial. It is something of a weak reed.



        in reply to: Car Park Bollards #68998

          Thanks Julie

          in reply to: Strata manager getting $1000 in commissions. #68907

            I find it offensive but 20% commission is in the standard OC management contracts. Ours wants 25%.  Brokers also take commission about the same.  So you will be paying 40-50% on top of what the insurer charges.  Also note it is in the interests of both bodies for your insurance to increase. They get rewarded financially. Nice huh?

            You will also find that your OCM will have a commercial relationship with a broker and be an authorized representative.

            It doesn’t sound like your broker is acting in the OC’s interests but then he has a commercial relationship with the OCM.

            You and the OC can simply get a new broker that does not have a commercial relationship with the OCM so they don’t and can’t get a commission.  Make that clear when you talk to other brokers that you are cutting the OCM’s lunch.

            You can also ask the broker for a flat fee or reduced commission and negotiate around that and get a committee vote to go with the broker chosen.

            Insurers will do only one quote and will not necessarily deal with every broker. Ask potential brokers if they deal with your current insurer.

            Make sure your insurance includes Claim Preparation. Make sure the potential broker will prepare any claims.

            You can in fact go direct to insurance companies and cut everybody out of commissions but you would not have anybody to do claim preparation. There are claim preparation companies and you may have to hire one if you do have claims.  I haven’t taken this step yet out of funk.

            In any case taking the steps above in the first year I saved $20K about 33%. In all subsequent years the OCM has received 0 cents commission.


            It is the way to go. The OCM just calls the broker and you can do that. They will try to put the fear of god into you and tell you somebody always get the commission but they are just trying to protect there easy 20%. At my AGM last week the new OCM told me was pissed off when he saw no commission.


            YOU CAN DO IT!


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