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  • in reply to: Noisy Bird #18058

      Ah, well in that case – it’s not us, we’ve got a completely different species. Good to know I’m just paranoid about not disturbing my neighbours…


      Yeah, cockatiels are indeed very loud with their whistles. My sympathies. FrownUsually, if it’s whistling all day while people are gone, it’s because it’s alone and wants to be sure its ‘flock’ can find its way back – this is why they normally recommend you get two together instead of just one. A second bird could potentially be the (counterintuitive) solution, if these people are not going to get rid of it or leave soon. Best of luck in solving the issue!

      in reply to: Noisy Bird #18024

        @JimmyT said:
        Hi DTA

        I wonder why you are assuming this bird owner is you – LadyJ did say this particular bird had only been acquired recently.

        Also, it’s up to the tenant to seek any required permission for a pet, not the landlord – they can’t be held directly responsible for the behaviour of a tenant’s pet (unless there is a complaint and they don’t do anything about it.)


        Hi Jimmy,


        I don’t know how recent she thinks is ‘recent’, but I do know that a previous post of hers indicates a feature that matches the building I live in, and also about a day before this bird post went up a lady in our building asked me if we were owners or tenants, apropos of nothing, while I was entering the building (and also while trying to urgently navigate one of those button-pushing menus with a service provider on my phone – actually, my trying to listen for instructions at the time may potentially be the source of ‘unapproachable’).


        In terms of strata – when the rental agent holds all the cards in terms of knowing who to contact at strata and how, and when we’re meant to contact them for repairs first (whether it’s common property or not), how are we supposed to know at what point they stop being a go-between and we have to do everything ourselves? Happy to do it ourselves, but contact details or any information… at all… would have been nice. Anyway, that’s in the past tense – will definitely keep your words in mind for the future and see how we can be sure whether we have permission or not.


        If it’s not us, no harm no foul – at least I’ve learnt something new (yet more reason to not trust rental agents, sigh).

        in reply to: Noisy Bird #18020

          Hi LadyJ,


          I very, very strongly suspect that the neighbours you are talking about are, in fact, us. 


          So first of all, hi! I’m really sorry that you don’t think we’re approachable, I can’t imagine what I’ve done to give that impression – I’ll knock on some doors this afternoon and see if I can’t have a chat to you in person. 


          To add some info for everyone’s benefit, we did get permission from the rental agent to get a bird, but it’s possible that they didn’t do due diligence and get permission from Strata themselves prior to giving us permission (!). We have no idea whatsoever of how to contact EC ourselves, when meetings are, etc. I also need to check what the bylaws are, as it’s possible that we were given a copy of standard bylaws rather than the ones for the specific building, and we didn’t notice. 


          Anyway, this is the first complaint we’ve had in almost a year of having a pet, and I’m very keen to solve the noise problem ASAP. 

          in reply to: Clamping – how it can be done legally #17860

            So how exactly are you supposed to find out whose visitor it really is? Camp out in front of the visitor’s car and not let them drive it away until they’ve told you who they’re visiting (and hope they tell the truth)?


            And who are you supposed to fine for rogue parkers who aren’t visitors, such as afore-mentioned commuters etc.?

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