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  • #7412

      I feel our EC has no idea and is not able to resolve outstanding issues. We have water leaks through the roof since March and our lift has been noisy for some time and we don't appear to have any answers.

      Also we don't receive minutes or documents associated with our EC and the strata meetings. Agendas and minutes are posted on a notice board but they tend to be generic in detail and don't provide any insight into the progress of repairs. The strata management company employed has a web site which reports nothing. When I asked if minutes could be emails the chairman said “no” as not everyone had email.

      The committee are very defensive and my view is they are out of their depth and being taken for a ride by the strata management company.

      As I live on the top floor and suffer each time it rains – when can I take things into my own hands and consider it an emergency – as my neighbours clearly don't care.



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