Flat Chat Strata Forum The Professionals Current Page

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  • #49341

      We will be ending the compulsory Strata Management soon. We have already elected the new Owners Committee and advised the current Strata Manager that we do not want them to continue as our Strata Manager. How soon after the end of compulsory Management can we have an OC meeting to elect a new Strata Manager.
      The compulsory manager told us we have to wait 3 weeks however Fair Trading have advised that it is only 7 days being the 7 days notice we need to give the owners and get out an agenda.

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    • #49346

        It is NSW


          With the blessing of the current strata manager, you could have a GM before their term expires in order to appoint a new strata manager. There is little point in the current strata manager frustrating you as its a forgone conclusion that they won’t be renewed.

          There of course is a notice period for calling a GM. The strata manager can help you on this.

          How did you elect a strata committee?. That requires a general meeting. If it’s an informal agreement , then it will need a motion at a general meeting to elect the committee.



            The manager MUST call a meeting to resolve the issue.

            They can be appointed as the Strata Managers at the meeting or they provide you with all the documents and you can go to a different manager.

            If you have a different manager to go to just prewarn them of the dates involved. They may even know the current managers and be able to sort it out.

            Professional companies do it, its one way to find out if they are professional.

            SSMA 2015 Section 237 Clause (6)

            (6) Return of documents and other records

            A strata managing agent appointed as a consequence of an order under this section must cause a general meeting of the owners corporation to be held not later than 14 days before the end of the agent’s appointment and must on or before that meeting make arrangements to return to the owners corporation all documents and other records of the owners corporation held by the agent

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