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  • #74568

      [Content repeated in another thread removed – JT]

      Today I rang NSW Fair Trading to ask what the rules were for holding committee meetings and was told strata committees are not actually required to hold formal meetings between AGMs – unless they need to hold an EGM to get approval for a big ticket item (the strata manager said any meetings held were “informal discussions” and she had no minutes for them).

      So my question is, is what Fair trading says true?

      If so, how is a committee held accountable if they are not required to have a minimum number of meetings and formally record any deliberations?

      What’s the point of having a committee if this is the case? Couldn’t we all just deal with the strata manager?

      How is not being transparent or accountable in any way “in the interests of owners”?

      As you may be able to tell, I’m a bit gobsmacked. I would have thought there would a minimum standard to be met.


      • This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by .
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