Flat Chat Strata Forum Living in strata Current Page

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by .
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  • #10638



      I was at the launch of a new strata management venture recently and one of the senior executives said to me: “You’re not as angry as you used to be.  You’ve changed.”

      “No,” I replied, “You have.”

      And it’s true.  Since I started writing Flat Chat 12 years ago the strata management industry has really cleaned up its act – the good companies have grown and prospered and the bad ones, mainly, have been found out.

      But are my glasses rose-tinted? Are strata managers in fact  getting worse?  That would certainly seem to be the case, judging by the raw statistics.

      Fair Trading, whose territory this is, received 800 enquiries about strata managers and 48 official complaints last financial year – a rise of 50 percent on 2014-2015.

      To be fair, it’s hard to judge how much of that is down to the sheer increase in numbers of strata schemes and managers.  It may also be that strata residents are a lot more savvy we once were.

      Strata management is going through a transition.  Increasingly, the best companies are highly professional and look after their clients properly as a means of enhancing their reputation and expanding their businesses.

      But there are still cowboys who don’t know what they’re doing and don’t really care. They operate with the same ethics as cattle rustlers, rounding up the maximum number of clients with the promise of super-cheap rates, knowing that there’s no way they can deliver a reasonable service at those prices.

      Strata schemes can be cash cows where, often, investors vote for the lowest cost option while the residents – owners and tenants – pay the price in poor service.

      You can become a registered strata manager after less than a week’s professional training. Even now we see employment ads for strata managers, inviting newbies to jump on the gravy train by boosting their income with Schedule B payments – charges for everything from photocopies to phone calls that isn’t specifically covered by your contract.

      If you have a complaint about your strata manager, Strata Community Australia – the professional body for the top firms – deals with issues internally and, they say, come down hard on repeat offenders.

      But they can only deal with their members. As for the others who aren’t in SCA, Fair Trading  – supposedly the sheriff  in this not-OK Corral  – is pretty much missing in action.

      They tell us they will “counsel” miscreants but there are no cases we can find of strata managers having had their licenses revoked or suspended purely for being incompetent at their job.  Sure a couple have been struck off for fraud, but that’s because of dodgy dealings in their related real estate agencies.

      I know for a fact that the professional and responsible companies are desperate to see the remaining chancers, crooks and incompetents cleared out of their industry.  The same goes for us strata residents – the damage a bad strata manager can do to a strata community is incalculable.

      The government needs to start weeding out the cowboys and shady operators whose only motive is maximum profit.

      Reward the good ones with recognition, punish the bad ones with de-registration. That would be both innovation and better regulation.

      You can join the discussion on the Forum.

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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    • #25489

        Dear Jimmy…I note your concern about the cowboy Body Corporate Managers (BCM) (as they are known in QLD).
        We have the same problem north of the border.
        Anyone can start up as a BCM in QLD, and the only control is caveat emptor. There is no regulatory oversight at all.
        Am aware of at least two recent cases up here where the Commissioner’s Adjudicator absolutely bucketed the BCMs involved…but they are still practicing and without penalty.
        The two cases are reported on Austlii.edu :
        Springfields Gold Coast – [2015] QBCCMCmr 552 (23 November 2015) per Complete Body Corporate Services
        Northcliffe [2016] QBCCMCmr 211 (11 May 2016) per Select Strata Management

        The sooner the government introduces some oversight over our BCMs, the better it will be for all of us.
        Ross Anderson
        Vice-President/Secretary: Unit Owners Association of Queensland



          The name of one of the companies cited there has turned up in more than 50 cases at the Queensland tribunal.  I have to add that they weren’t always the losers or, indeed, party to the complaint.  Even so, maybe the various state authorities could implement a “three strikes” policy … or ten … or 20?  Lose at tribunal ten times and you’re out!  It would make it worth taking the shifty ones all the way.

          The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

            Excellent, sounds like the same mess with corrupted and dodgy tradies, still a lot of work to kick out the bad sheeps!

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