Flat Chat Strata Forum Neighbour noise Current Page

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  • #8483

    Hi all, I wud really appreciate some input to my issue.

    I live in the gorgeous eastern burbs in an 80 apartment/studio block with a fantastic outlook.

    Its all good bar how do I approach my immediate, share a partial bedroom wall neighbour.

    On a regularly monotonous & continuous basis; [weekdays] 6:30-7:30am and 6:00pm-8:00pm, then 9:30pm-10:30 pm.

    Weekends are a real bonanza of free time!! 6:30am onwards to 8:00am. Mid-morning: 10:00am-11:30 am. Afternoons: 2:00pm-3:30pm, more again around early evening-5:00-6:30pm, then of course we are back with the evening; 8:00PM-10-10:30 pm.

    What is happening do U ask??

    Well I dont exactly KNOW, [but nor do I want to actually know], I am more about how to deal with the rocking, pinging, rattling, bumping, rhythmic & frantic sets of ‘hardware’ sounds that are occuring adjacent to my bedhead!!

    Luckily, human sounds are basically minor, for which I am grateful, plus I am cognisant there is 1 occupant of said apartment.

    I am thinking write a really polite letter, somewhat annonymously [?] & slip it under the door..? What to say..???!

    I have only been here since winter, & it appears a ‘nodding sort of acquaintance-ship’ in this building, which is kool with me. So I do not/have met this neighbour.

    I am impinged & intruded upon on a too regular basis, so I am weary & a bit irritable to be woken or kept awake, impacted in an unwanted way by the happenings next door.

    Close living I know & a certain amount of tolerance & patience is required, but I just wondered if anyone had some sage advice or personal experience [hahahah!] with something of this ilk….


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