Flat Chat Strata Forum The Professionals Current Page

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  • #8383

      I would like to ask for a few comments on strata management companies, strata managers and their responsibilities please.

      I have read in Flat Chat they can only be expected to collect money from owners, pay bills, run meetings if required, organise insurance (for which it is ‘normal practise’ for them to get a commission apparently) pass on complaints to the Executive Commitee and send out a letter or two, but that’s about it. Many, or most, never even visit buildings manage.

      When anything tricky comes up, they say ‘I can only act on directions from the executive commttee’. And the Executive Committee usually says: write or speak to the strata manager! That’s why we have one! Let’s all hum round and round and round she goes… or as time goes byyyyyyy…

      In my humble experience, one of the the larger strata managers, who’s gobbling all the others up, is the worst. They know exactly how the system works; how little they can get away with; how to lean whichever way the wind is blowing; which side of their bread the butter will be on; how to sideline anyone who’s a bit of a thorn in their side, or who maybe threatening their income stream. 

      I’m sure our situation is typical: medium-sized block of 30; mostly apathetic, uninvolved owners; core of self-interested owners on the executive committee; decent bank balance; lots of things needing to be done to get the place looking half-acceptable. Reactive committee and strata manager. Almost nothing proactive ever happens. Tons of fobbing-off by both the committee and strata manager in the manner mentioned above.

      Surely strata managers who, despite what they say, make a decent whack. Should be doing MORE for their money and being more proactive and surely they have the power to make sure things are don properly? Surely they must!

      Why shouldn’t strata managers be able to take errant executive committees to the CTTT or seek mediation against an owners corporation to get them to do the right thing?

      I reckon it’s time to make strata managers more accountable, offer more guidance and don’t just take the money and run with minimum responsibility.

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