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    What is supplier compliance – our strata agent has just charged this, though we haven't had any work or suppliers on the property in over 12 months. the charge was over $370

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  • #13246

      My only thought is could it be something to do with license and insurance checks on all of your normal / recent / preferred suppliers (from cleaners to tradesmen)?


      Even if it's something like that though, it doesn't seem like a reasonable amount, and I don't think our building has ever had such a charge, not that I've noticed anyway. Hopefully someone else will have a better idea, but I guess the simplest way to clear it up would be to ask your strata manager.


      thiss would need to be listed in your strata agency agreement to be charged and if you are being charged this then it sounds like jimmy said.. fingers crossed its for checking 30 suppliers insurance & licences and not for one only.. If they are keeping these licences and insurances on file its fair enough to charge if documented in the agency however I would guess they do well on this fee as they have the same suppliers for every complex they manage and charge this too..


      I have seen a few instances when this is charged by the strata manager to the tradesman so they are a 'listed & verified tradesman' and are listed on the strata managers website also as 'verified' .. to me that seems like a rort and is a simple way of saying we want our kickback if you are going to do work for us it will cost you $3k upfront and there after we will use you for many jobs..


      Guys, it’s worth looking at the Trades Monitor website. This is a company that several strata management companies use to assist in tracking contractor compliance and as a result has a massive benefit for clients for a relatively minimal cost (about $70pa).

      Contractor compliance is a never-ending job… It is all about making sure the contractors working on any particular property have the correct licenses, insurances, OH&S documents in place. Without this an OC is at risk of fines from Workcover, potential liability if anything goes wrong, or if a contractor is injured or worst case dies (lots of touching wood).

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