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  • #9375

      Further to initial complaint that SM doesn’t pay Bldg. Insurance on time ; lies told about matters that have been neglected and the issue of lying about my husband, defaming his name in Minutes of AGM x2; refusing to re-write minutes ; +more lies that I don’t have time to list and you don’t have time to read.

      The last Minutes -AGM held January ’14 ;1st page, is pure vilification of both me & my husband.  I rather think that that the SM should/could have wriitten  to one or both privately but chose to vent her spleen on the 1st page.! Pages 2 & 3 are not accurate and include lies to cover this persons incompetence;  Grammar is shocking and difficult to understand.  However, on subsequent readings one gets the impression that this SM is out to let us know that what this SM wants to do, act as SM pleases, (as apparently has done for some years- after all, this is bogan-ville).

      Wrote to Office Fair Trading enclosing both minutes + covering letter and copies of emails & written correspondence which confirms lies. Local OFT said that these matters would “have to go a more ‘senior’ officer & could take a little while” Hadn’t heard from them for months, so phoned to be told that my file ‘lost’ but now ‘found’ and would be forwarded to senior person.  Senior person rang, asked what OUTCOME I wanted.  My response: SM to amend Minutes of 2 AGM, thereby deleting the lies told about me and my husband as well as deleting lies about date of payment bldg. Insurance, accessing levy funds without OC consent etc, etc, etc,.& forward TRUE & ACCURATE RECORD of both AGM’s.

      Two phone calls later from ‘senior’ person Office ?Fair Trading to be told that this was a case of ‘she said; he said; she said’ etc.

      AGAIN  wrote to ‘senior’ person OFT with copies of same enclosures which clearly show lies told by SM.

      Today, I am in receipt of letter from ‘senior’ person – OFT letter .  A most remarkable impersonation of a Pontius Pilate.  As well, I get a nasty feeling that there could be a case of cronyism going on here.

      As a reminder we are a relatively new Strata 1-4 incl. Three owner occupied and one tenanted.  Also have on my hands  2 owner occupiers saying case of  3 wise monkeys;despite knowing what has occurred. over the last/past two years.

      I will finish by stating that due to the above they did concede that we had to move on.  So from this week we have a new strata company working for us.!!  Wish us luck- feel that we need it as the saying goes; takes as much time & effort for SM dealing with 4, 40 or 400.

      New strata SM has copies of AGM x2 filled with a litany of lies.  What to do?


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    • #21060

        Hello,  Our SM lies in the minutes as well and despite letters to the bosses they point blankly refuse to make changes, even though our meetings are recorded and the content can be verified they still will not make changes.  Not much point in having a system if there is no way of enforcing the rules. Smile


          Laugh Email the following to the secretary for inclusion on the next General Meeting Notice –

          “That the Executive Committee Meeting Minutes be approved by all members of the Executive Committee before being distributed to owners.”

          At that meeting you and other owners will have the opportunity to discuss this issue because it is listed on the meeting’s agenda and must be voted on by those present.


            The simple answer to the question of how to correct inaccurate is that the minutes of the last general meeting can’t be approved or otherwise until the next general meeting (executive committee meetings are a different forum with their own processes). 

            However, at that next AGM  Fran and her husband should oppose the standard motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and offer a more accurate record of what was discussed and decided.

            In fact they could send a letter to the new strata manager right now saying that they intend to do this and why. That letter will be on the record for anyone to see.

            They could also present a motion that the minutes of the previous year’s AGM were also defamatory and inaccurate, detailing how as precisely and unemotionally as possible.  That way, at least the most recent record is accurate (although you are drawing attention to the nasty stuff).

            Regarding other posts about inaccurate minutes, LarryV’s idea of putting it on the agenda of the next AGM that the EC can’t distribute minutes until they have been approved is sound (but bear in mind you have only 14 days in which to do this).

            Why not just put a montion to the next EC meeting censuring the strata manager for inaccurate minutes – with details of how they are inaccurate – plus anopther motion asking the EC to examine the terms of the strata manager’s contract with a view to finding a replacement.  That should get their attention.

            The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

               Hello Jimmy,

              Pls. excuse tardiness.

              Thank you for your advice.  Am trying to  put together a letter as per your advice.  Not used to terminology so, will miss the 14 days to which you refer.


              Thanks also to Larry…will do.  And to newIsie, hope that you find a way round  your SM’s lies…its a tough call with liars, makes me feel as though there’s not much point to whole thing.  However, trying to soldier on.




                Was it yesterday that I heard this quote by Ghandi:  “Even if you’re a minority of one, the truth is always the truth.”

                Be strong. 



                  Maybe yesterday!

                  Thank you.


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