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  • #76584

      Does the new proxy limit mean that proxies appointing the Chairman of the Meeting as the proxy holder will be invalid if more than the allowed maximum are held by the chair?

      I can’t see anything in the legislation that excludes the chair from the limit.

      If that’s the case then the procedure our SM is proposing for the upcoming EGM of simply collecting proxies in favour of the chair, and only the chair needing to be present, will not work.


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    • Author
    • #76589
      Sir Humphrey

        In the ACT, the chair is exempt from the proxy limit. I don’t know about elsewhere.

        If the proposal is to have a ‘paper meeting’, which I would only do for an uncontroversial matter, owners could do an absentee vote (at least in the ACT) rather than appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf. There is no limit on how many absentee votes there can be.

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