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  • #10614

      Hi All,

      Thanks in advance for your help.

      Is it a requirement that the notice and agenda of an AGM be posted on the Notice board?

      Is it a requirement that the notice and agenda of an AGM by maile 14 days or more before the proposed date?


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    • #25389

        The notice of meeting and agenda for an AGM do not have to be posted on the notice board.

        7 clear days notice of an AGM must be given.  Exclude the day of posting and the day of meeting and add 3 to 4 days for mail time.


          hi there, please correct me if I’m wrong but I was under the impression that 14 days notice is required for an AGM, but  only 7 days for an EGM. Notices for both these   type of meetings must be sent to everyone on the strata roll whether that’s by post or email, placing on the notice board is not mandatory (as it is for an EC meeting) but always a good idea to use the notice board so no one can say they didn’t get the notice.


            14 days notice is required for an initial or first AGM, for subsequent AGMs it’s seven days (with the provisions for postage listed above). 

            For EC meeetings it’s only 72 hours with slightly different provisions for notice boards depending on whether or not it’s a large scheme (more than 100 lots).

            6   Notice of executive committee meetings

            (1)  An executive committee of a large strata scheme must give notice of its intention to hold a meeting at least 72 hours before the time fixed for the meeting:

            (a)  by giving written notice (which may be done by electronic means) to each owner and executive committee member, and

            (b)  if the owners corporation is required by the by-laws to maintain a notice board, by displaying the notice on the notice board.

            (2)  An executive committee of a strata scheme that is not a large strata scheme must give notice of its intention to hold a meeting at least 72 hours before the time fixed for the meeting:

            (a)  by displaying the notice on the notice board, or

            (b)  if the owners corporation is not required by the by-laws to maintain a notice board, by giving written notice (which may be done by electronic means) to each owner and executive committee member.

            (3)  The notice must specify when and where the meeting is to be held and contain a detailed agenda for the meeting.

            (4)  A notice may be given to a person by electronic means only if the person has given the owners corporation an e-mail address for the service of notices under this Act and the notice is sent to that address.

            The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

              There is no difference in the notice requirements for AGMs and EGMs, they are both general meetings of the owners.

              The key issue for notice is that it is sent to the owner at the address on the strata roll, bear in mind they may not live in the building.  


                Thank you all.

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