Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page

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  • #7982

    We have a residential strata (registered) with two large retail shops at the front, part of which is currently operating as a gym.

    The retail section is still operating as a DP, ie it has never been registered as a strata plan.

    The retail owners bolted two huge air conditioners to the common property of the residential development (I understand from the strata manager with the proviso that they would remove/fix them if they caused a disturbance). 

    One resident is particularly affected by the air con noise operating 24/7 for the gym. Retail owners say it is properly insulated but there is quite obviously no insulation. All strata manager is prepared to do is organise a meeting between the retail owner and the affected resident (who is quite rightly very angry as she was not consulted when the air con units were installed).

    Question: As retail section not strata can it be taken to OFT?

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