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      Wondering whether your building is ready to make the great leap forward into solar energy? This month a new online tool was launched, allowing you to calculate how much power you could generate from your rooftop.

      The SunSpot platform has already attracted media interest with stories about its benefit for both residential and commercial roof spaces.

      One statistic that leaps out is that if the roofs in Sydney’s CBD were ‘solarised’, it could save businesses 14 per cent of their electricity usage.

      So why are apartment and office blocks so reluctant to embrace the technology?  It could be a mixture of not knowing and not wanting to know.

      But electricity demand is not going to diminish any time soon. Air-con usage will only grow with global warming and soon your building may have to provide charging stations for electric cars and mobility scooters.

      So here are five dumb reasons we’ve actually heard – and one valid one – for saying no to solar.

      The technology is still being developed

      Well, that’s true and great strides are being made in the development of photovoltaic efficiency.  But you shouldn’t let perfection be the enemy of good.

      If most potential mobile phone users had waited until the there was no possible improvement in the technology, we’d still be using payphones.

      It only works during daylight hours

      Correct.  But what about all the interior lobby and car park lights and lifts that operate all day.  And if there’s any excess, you can sell it back into the grid or store it using rapidly improving battery technology.

      It will damage the roof membrane

      Really?  Do you think professional installers have never encountered an apartment block roof before?

      It might blow off the roof and kill someone

      See the above answer then talk to your insurer.

      It would cost more to pump the water on to the roof than you would save.

      Seriously, this objection was once raised by a committee chair who couldn’t tell the difference between photovoltaic cells and a domestic hot water booster when it was suggested his building might boost its swimming pool heating through solar panels.

      There are as many other daft responses to the potential of solar as there are committee members who just don’t want to know. But there is one fairly compelling argument too.

      Looking at ways you can save money and cut down on greenhouse gasses from the generation of energy, some basic housekeeping might be explored before you turn your roof in to a power station.

      Using motion sensors in garages and public areas to turn on, preferably, LED lighting represents a massive energy saving.

      Then there’s water conservation. A few dripping taps boost electricity demand because the water in your block has to be pumped up several floors just to get it into your system.

      And, as the greenstrata.com.au website explains, once you’ve taken care of wastage, the need for solar generation is less of an economic imperative and more of a socially responsible idea.

      This article first appeared in the Australian Financial Review

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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    • #20692

        Our building of 130 apartments/20 floors has energy costs as the single biggest recurrent expenditure for the building by a long way so we went down the path of reducing power costs. We use both gas and electricity but I will describe our electricity experience and the benefits and pitfalls (gas is more challenging but can reap rich rewards with a focus on detail). We changed all building lighting to LEDS and installed garage sensors and immediately got a major cost saving which will pay itself off in about 3 years or less, this is a no brainer financially. We then installed solar panels which also have delivered at a slightly lower rate of return than LEDs but still way better than expected and we use all the power during the day so no return to the grid and the electricity saved is mainly at peak prices. Pitfalls are the obvious one of choosing the supplier which can wait for another post and one which was expected but still challenging which is roof anchor points and their use which we thought we managed very carefully but still had issues to resolve when it came to using the anchor points by abseilers.

        Overall, if your roof is appropriate and if our experience is a guide then LEDs and solar panels are a good thing for an apartment block to consider and do the numbers on.

        Sir Humphrey

          Any reader in the ACT, check s.23 of the Unit Titles (Management) Act. Subject to a set of conditions in that section, the OC can do all that is required to install sustainability infrastructure on the common property with one ordinary resolution. Also, the Act now makes it clear that the Sinking Fund Plan can anticipate expenditure on infrastructure improvements, not just strictly maintenance. 

          We used this section to install a PV systems a few years ago.  It is working just fine, as expected. 

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