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  • #7355

      I recently bought into a prestige strata building in Sydney's Eastern suburbs. The apartment came with two car spaces on title. The EC decided it wanted to build a garden bed on my two carspaces and those in the same row, which abuts a fence (to block out unsightly rubbish bins next door). Over Christmas/NY the EC sent a form out for all owners to sign approving an exclusive use bylaw for them to do this, which they then passed at an extraordinary general meeting, which had a quorum of about eight ( in a block of 40). The four other affected car space owners (most of whom are investors apart from us), agreed to sign away their rights (not wanting to cause trouble as one person said to me) to part of their lot. We didn't. Our lawyer stopped us. The EC chairman then attempted to get his way by ordering a builder (who had built the new fence adjoining the said carspaces) to dig a hole on the private lots to accommodate the garden on the pretext that a safety stopper was needed on the fence (due to supposedly new regulations) and that its protrusion would exceed the proposed garden space anyway. We called a halt to this on legal advice. There is now an unfinished hole on the six affected carspaces, while the EC and we argue about the expression of an informal agreement (which we suggested as a compromise) to enable the garden to be created. This is the most brazen irresponsible act I have come across by an EC. How could they recommend this action to lot owners, knowing it would reduce the value of their lots and without recommending that people get their own legal advice.

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