Before anyone gets too excited about the new “powers” to have council rangers police Strata parking spaces, check the relevant Strata Legislation and the Local Government Act it refers to. (Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 – Sect 112, Local Government Act 1993 – section 650A) There are also information sheets on the Office of Local Government website. (
It will depend on the nature of your parking problems whether these measures will be any help. They won’t be of assistance for many of the parking issues in Strata Schemes.
As far as I understand:
The legislation is designed to address parking in complexes that are close to other facilities like sporting/entertainment venues or train stations, where the parking is often misused by outsiders for unreasonable amounts of time.
Strata scheme would need to make an arrangement with the local council to police the parking concerned. The local council are not obliged to do so, and in most cases will charge a fee. The council need to decide whether it will be in the public’s interest to do so. The strata scheme will also need to install signs and any other measures that the council require. Any fines issued go to council.
I have read nothing to suggest it would be a matter of Strata members reporting parking infringements to council rangers – the rangers will simply add your strata parking to their normal duties to detect parking infringements (which in our area will mean they would be policed far less than the frequency with which parking problems arise).
The aspects that can be policed are:
1. Misuse of disabled or emergency parking
2. Limited hour parking (eg. if the parking is available only in daylight hours)
3. Limited period parking (e.g.. 1 hour parking). This has to be in line with similar period restrictions elsewhere.
4. In some cases prevention of access to other parking or buildings.
Most other parking infringements that irritate in Strata Schemes, such as the misuse of visitor parking by residents, and the use of visitor parking by outsiders, are not possible to be policed by rangers. In fact your parking effectively becomes part of council parking stock and can be used by anyone who meets the hour and period restrictions above. And residents will have the same restrictions placed on them as outsiders (for common or visitor parking spaces, not one designated to your lot).
Strata schemes would still be free to have other restrictions and bylaws with respect to parking, but they can’t be policed in this manner. The existing measures for managing Strata ByLaw infringements need to be followed for those matters. (i.e. notice to comply etc).
Lastly, the Owners Corporation have to pass any agreement with council by special resolution (more than 75% of the vote). In our scheme we would have trouble passing that by the time we subtract the number of owners who would prefer to continue to misuse common property and those who don’t want the extra expense of policing it.
I am not a lawyer, just a Committee secretary who did some research before the conflict between some owners got any more heated. If i am wrong or mistaken about this please point it out.