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  • #74338
    Flame Tree (Qld)

      I sent a number of Motions in to be included in our not-yet-at-that-stage advised AGM, as per usual. I went away on holidays to come back to the AGM postal package and find not one of my Motions was included on the agenda. I’m not sure if it’s usual incompetence or maliciousness, and I was trying to address a few touchy issues. I’ve since written to the body corporate’s in-their-pocket strata manager complaining of such but not heard back and am fast running out of time before the June 1 AGM. Any ideas on how to address this?

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    • #74356

        My experience in NSW may be of interest. I cannot say it is applicable to QLD, you’ll need to establish that yourself.

        1. A few years ago, a couple of months before a general meeting was scheduled, I emailed the strata manager with some motions, asking him to list them on the agenda for that meeting. (There is always a cut off date that strata managers claim they have, after which they argue they are busy preparing the agenda and any motion must have been submitted long before then. If a motion is submitted after the mysterious (and rarely advertised) cut off date, the strata manager will often say that such motions will be listed for the subsequent general meeting. This IMHO is baloney. Surely the cut off time is just before the agenda is sent out, not weeks before);

        2. As expected, I had to chase him up several days later to confirm he received my motions;

        3. He confirmed receipt and replied they will be listed in the agenda for the meeting;

        4. Weeks passed and 7 days before the meeting the agenda arrived (i.e in the package called “Notice of Meeting”) with my motions not appearing;

        5. I called him and asked what’s going on? He did not answer coherently;

        6. I filed a complaint with Fair Trading against the strata manager (not the OC). I included a boat load of evidence;

        7. I was told FT will consider it; FT will then call me to discuss; if they are satisfied with my case they will investigate the matter starting with asking the strata manager to offer evidence in his defence;

        8. Weeks later I was called by FT and told that the strata manager’s evidence mirrored mine and that his actions in denying my motions being listed and then not listed was proof that he did not comply with what is expected of strata managers under the Property & Stock Agents’ Act (NSW) and accompanying Regulation. I was not told if he or his employer were fined, penalised or similar. Apparently the regulations prohibit FT from telling a complainant, even if FT upholds the complaint, what sanctions are put on the strata manager. My complaint was upheld;

        9. Several days after FT called me telling me that they found him to be “non-compliant”, the strata manager emailed  the owners that he is terminating the contract and that email should be viewed as his 3 month notice of that.

        Hopefully this helps.



          Hi, It depends on what the “touchy issues” motions were about. Its my understanding (as the secretary of my Executive Committee, NSW) that the motions can be rejected if they conflict with existing Bylaws. My recommendation would be to talk to the Executive Committee members first. If you can get some agreement with them than it would go a long way to getting them on the agenda. In my strata we deal with most things at a Committee Level; and only have motions put up for a vote at an AGM/EGM if it is an addition/change to common property or something we want doing costs more then $10k. Best of Luck.

          Flame Tree (Qld)

            Hi, thanks Nugalbags, though I disagree with the limitations you suggest. The committee’s role is to make limited decisions during the year as is their function and as directed/limited by the legislation. The AGM motions are for the consideration by all owners and the committee is obliged thereafter to undertake the action of the Motion, should it be approved by the majority of voting owners. Certainly, in Qld Motions put forward before the closing window and invited by the committee are to be included in the AGM as written in but limited to what the legislation says, even when it may involve the committee’s actions or individual members. Otherwise you don’t need think much to realize just what a mafioso cabal committees could quickly become. Talking to the committee first is always ideal, but sometimes they’ve proven themselves inept or unwilling and if so a workaround is sometimes the better way forward.

            As an update, it’s been more than a week now that the issue was bought to the attention of the strata manager who has still not responded or acknowledged my complaint though the AGM is scheduled for this coming weekend. As usual, they know which side their bread is buttered and always favor the committee-side regardless of their contractual and legislative obligations.

            Thanks for your thoughts. Cheers, C.

            Flame Tree (Qld)

              UPDATE, most cynically, I received a response from the Strata Manager sent at 6pm on the night before the next morning’s AGM which advised, after all the while of waiting, that all Motions I submitted were rejected because they were 3 days beyond the end of the end of financial year. I’m unsure if they were limited by law or convenience as to not include them. If anyone can comment I’m all ears as to which it may have been. As such I will cop it sweet and move on.

              So, can someone please confirm that because they were sent in but missed the AGM that they will now be included in the next EGM or AGM?, or should these be re-submitted for such as the next one to occur? I appreciate if I can on-board enough begrudged owners to meet the limit we might be able to call for an EGM at our convenience and not wait another whole year to have those Motions addressed.

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