Jimmy, [please delete previous post, as I mucked up the format].
I started reading (and contributing to) your Flat-Chat web site after reading your submissions to the Strata Review and thinking how insightful they were, particularly the one about putting the rights of the many ahead of the rights of the individual.
However, I stopped contributing in December after you stomped on, rather than just disagreed with, a couple of my contributions.
I think you’ve just done the same thing to Daphne’s recent contribution.
She may have done the wrong thing by resurrecting a year-old corpse instead of starting a new thread, but she hasn’t yet received an answer to her question, and I think you should allow threads to run until they die a natural death.
Particularly so, as your closing argument could be read to imply that special resolutions, rather than just special By-Laws, need to be registered with the Dept of Lands. That post will be around on the interweb forever.
In my opinion, the answer to Daphne’s question is:
1) Owners are not required to keep a copy of the OC’s permission to attach something to common property.
2) They are stupid if they don’t, but a lot of people are stupid.
3) Permission (to attach something to common property) can only be granted by special resolution of the OC.
4) Therefore it will be documented in the minutes.
5) OCs (and therefore SMs) are only required to keep agendas and minutes for 5 years.
6) This is a deficiency in the Act which the Gov has no intention of addressing.
7) However, a good OC or SM will keep them for the life on the scheme, but they may be “archived”.
8) You may have to pay the SM for retrieval from archive, or for your time on their premises searching through the retrieved archives.
9) If they are charging you regular “archive storage fees” but have actually destroyed the records, then they are committing fraud.
10) Not all “exclusive use rights” require a By-Law, particularly if the “exclusive use” is guaranteed by being inside a lot and the OC is prepared to maintain the attachment.
11) That’s why she wants to troll though the minutes.
Publish none, part or all if you like.
Your web site has really enabled me to clarify my thoughts on strata issues, and I was about to write a couple of posts (essays really) on two of the most troublesome notions which are frequently championed on your site, even by the gurus.
But, it’s your web site. If you want it to be a place where the same old stock answers are given to the same old stock questions asked by every newbie, rather than a discussion forum, then I won’t bother.
Having consumed sufficient of your home country’s chief export, I shall now retire to bed.