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  • #7214
      While this flat has the only access to the garden (there's a ten foot drop at
      either end) the area is actually common property to the building. So for 10
      years I built a lovely succulent garden and mowed the lawn etc on behalf of all
      who enjoyed it.


      Then, a couple of years ago, I was informed by the
      Executive Committee that the garden was an OH&S issue and I was banned from
      entering my own garden. (I actually took the case to Fair Trading with a solicitor and lost.) So,
      the garden filled with weeds and garbage.


      Last month, six guys appeared over the wall on
      ladders. They took chainsaws to the garden and well, you can see the results
      below. Large colonies of ants moved from the garden into our apartments and the
      area now resembles ground zero in New York City. When the wind blows, dirt flies in
      off the terraced area. I suppose, eventually, we'll get the ubiquitous woodchips
      and agapanthus. Everyone in the building is mortified and mystified that a 30 yo
      establish garden was vandalised so brutally. But I share this tale because I
      think its a good example of how just one or two bitter and nasty people getting
      power on an EC (there are only 6 owners ever go to meetings, there is no Chair
      and this was done without informing anyone) can be such a problem for the other
      60 units. We seem to be powerless against their malice and incompetence and I
      really think the Body Corporate law needs to be revised so that all owners are
      notified of minutes of meetings, planned major works and given a forum to vote,
      or allow a proxy vote to their tenant.


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