Renters: Sharing and caring

I’ve recently started part-time study and that means part-time work.  A friend wants to rent my  spare room – which will be a big help – but only on the condition that I put her name on the lease.  Is this possible and is it even a good idea? – SWF, Artarmon.

You can have your name and the names of other tenants on the tenancy agreement as co-tenants which means you have equal rights and responsibilities under the law but you would need to go to your landlord and have a new agreement signed that reflects this.

It means you are giving up some control over your flat but it protects you as well as your new roomie (and the landlord) by making everything official.

Is it a good idea?  It depends on the friendship.

However, if you want to call all the shots, you can sub-let the room without making your friend a co-tenant, but you still have to tell your landlord or you risk breaching your lease agreement.

According to Tenants NSW, if your new room-mate isn’t on the lease, then you are the head-tenant and they are the sub-tenant and they have the same rights under the law as if you were their landlord.

Go to the Tenants NSW website (  or call (02) 8117 3750 for more information.  If you have any apartment tenancy questions or comments, please email

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