Here are a few new definitions for your strata dictionaries:
Sunset clawbacks: Where a developer in a ‘hot’ market allows a project to over-run its “build-by” date, uses the sunset clause to rescind the contract then re-sells the same unit at a much higher price.
Shape shifters: Again, in a hot market, when a developer realises they can sell smaller apartments for the same money, reconfigures the unit on which you have paid a deposit, squeezes a few more on the same floor and gives you the choice of sucking it up or taking your deposit back.
Property spruikers: ‘Seminars’ for get-rich-quick schemes where they tell you you will earn a fortune by buying properties off the plan and negatively gearing them, but don’t tell you that they are actually working for a developer who needs to clear unsold stock.
Find out what the NSW government is doing in these stories HERE and HERE.