Podcast: The other strata trap, post Chandler


From Left: Acting Building Commissioner Matthew Press, Assistant Commissioner Tom Karney and David Chandler

We start this week’s podcast by looking back at the previous episode which has broken all our records for regular downloads.

It’s not surprising really, given that it was a chat with ABC TV Four Corners investigative reporter Linton Besser about how and why he pulled together the Strata Trap report.

At more than 450 downloads after only a week, this one will run and run, as they say in showbiz.

This week we look at another of strata’s big problems – defects – through the eyes of Acting Building Commissioner Matt Press.  What’s happening with defects now that Building Commissioner David Chandler has retired?

One thing that hasn’t changed is the Building Commission’s tendency to use initials,  acronyms and fancy techie terminology. 

So, just in case you are wondering, the “LDI” referred to means Latent Defects Insurance or it could be DLI (Decennial Liability Insurance).

Either way, it’s a 10-year insurance against defects that the better developers are able to take out, for the first time in decades. Maybe they could call it Defects Insurance. Too on the nose?

Apart from that, Matt Press assures us that even though David Chandler has gone and Project Intervene has been absorbed into the Building Commission’s complaints process, the good work in making sure apartment owners get what they paid for continues unabated.

That’s all in this week’s Flat Chat Wrap. 

Transcript under construction

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  • #76135

      We start this week’s podcast by looking back at the previous episode which has broken all our records for regular downloads. It’s not surpri
      [See the full post at: Podcast: The other strata trap, post Chandler]

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