Forum: Vexed question of in-house sex workers


There’s an arcane set of laws around both working from home in apartment buildings and about where sex workers can ply their trade.

As far as working from home goes, anything that doesn’t affect the peaceful enjoyment of common property or other lots – or doesn’t increase insurance liabilities – is OK.

Regarding “personal services”, in the past, local councils have even employed private detectives to try to prove that premises were being used as brothels in places where such houses of ill-repute were not allowed.

But then there were legal technicalities that, if I recall correctly, meant that more than one sex worker had to be entertaining a client at precisely the same time for it to be considered a brothel.

This required the recruitment of multiple “investigators” which then, I believe, led to accusations of entrapment; the investigators had to encourage the ladies to break the law, which meant they couldn’t be accused of a crime.

In any case, apartment blocks are perfect locations for operators in the world’s oldest profession to ply their trade, just as they are for drug dealers.

They can be very secure, often with video cameras allowing the purveyors of naughtiness to scrutinise their potential customers before they get anywhere near their front doors.

But do you want them and their clients around? And what can you do if a modern-day courtesan sets up shop in your block? That’s HERE.

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