Forum: Stripping away sneaky voting powers


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One of the small but significant changes proposed in the strata laws currently making their way through the NSW parliament will be that powers of attorney votes (POA) will be counted exactly the same as proxy votes.

Now, for those power-hungry despots who made a dark art of proxy harvesting, the proxy vote laws that changed in 2016 were too much to bear, limiting them to only one extra vote per 20 lots in a building.

But then they came up with the POA wrinkle. All they had to do was get a tame lawyer – money usually calms them – to sign up those owners who would normally have given a proxy, to instead give them or the resident despot, a POA.

Even better (or worse) proxies expire after a year, POAs keep going until they are revoked.

Anyway, all that will change soon and we can make another attempt at a real democracy – until the power-junkies find another loophole.  Meanwhile, POAs still rule, as one owner discovered HERE.

Elsewhere in the Forum

  • What do you do about owners who don’t know and don’t want to hear?  That’s HERE.
  • Strata manager wants to charge $200 to show report. That’s HERE.
  • How can we improve communications between the committee and the residents?  That’s HERE.
  • I want to make sure I can erect a fence before I buy the unit. That’s HERE.
  • The previous manager’s negligence has cost the scheme a lot of money.  Can we sue? That’s HERE.

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  • Creator
  • #71265

      One of the small but significant changes proposed in the strata laws currently making their way through the NSW parliament will be that powers of atto
      [See the full post at: Forum: Stripping away sneaky voting powers]

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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