Forum: Hanging out for an answer on abseilers


There’s a really interesting post on the Forum about the first year in a new block’s life, but it has been sitting there for a week with a stack of questions unanswered.

Is it a case of TMI (too much information) or maybe it’s TMQ (too many questions).

In any case the original post is actually a success story about how a new building had defects and the newly elected committee got most of them fixed at the developer’s expense.

But that leaves the unanswered questions which are all different, so I have split them off into their own topics.  Maybe that will get the answers flowing.  Meanwhile you can read about the challenges and successes HERE.

Elsewhere on the Forum

  • Does the developer of a new block have to provide the specifications of common property?  That’s HERE.
  • Are abseiling anchor points required to be installed under building codes? That’s HERE.
  • How do we prepare the owners in a new block for an unavoidable levies increase of about 25 per cent, now that we know the provided budget wasn’t real. That’s HERE.
  • Committee is proposing essential repairs but owners vote against. That’s HERE.
  • Can owners attend committee meetings in Victoria?  That’s HERE.
  • How much will my pension be affected by renting out rooms?  That’s HERE.
  • What are the plusses and minuses of converting for Company Title to strata? That’s HERE.

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