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      When a person goes to CTTT they pay a fee for a service. I believe it is $72 for an application for an adjudication these days.

      Normally if someone pays for a service and the service is not up to scratch then there is some avenue of recourse against the shoddy service provider.

      Where does the consumer go if they are not satisfied with the “service” they get from CTTT?

      The complaint mechanism CTTT offer if someone is not happy with something about CTTT is not a mechanism that genuinely addresses issues, it seems to be something designed to let people blow off a bit of steam rather than a serious complaint or reform mechanism.

      CTTT Members can hide behind s83 of the CTTT Act but does CTTT, as an organization, have a legal standing separate from its parts (i.e. the CTTT Members) and as such does CTTT as an organization have a duty of care to its “customers” when making decisions?

      Say CTTT have the opportunity to remedy a situation and they do not;  then the poo subsequently hits the fan. How does one go about getting compensation from CTTT for their failure to act?

      There are numerous example of people getting compensated when “the system” makes mistakes.

      Some CTTT strata division decisions destroy lives. Is the so called Super Tribunal (CTTT) as unaccountable to its “customers” as it pretends it is ? Why doesn't the overseeing body of Strata Living have a duty of care to its customers?

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