Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page

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  • #7292

      A couple of owners have written stating they are taking the EC to the tribunal over an outstanding matter in our complex.  This matter regards a drainage problem at the back of these 2 villas.  The EC obtained a plumbers report and an engineers report.  The EC wanted to go ahead with the scope of works.  The owners said they did not think the engineers report addressed the issue.  The EC wanted to go ahead and see if it did.  The EC arranged for someone else to inspect but was denied access to one villa.

      THe owners state that this problem is causing them angst.  However, they only ever bring up this problem at the AGM (without it ever being on the agenda).  If this problem was so concerning, and the time taken to correct is too long, one would wonder why they only ever complaiin once a year.

      The area with the drainage problem is under the villa behind a basement/storage/garage area.  The owners state that there is mould problem destroying items stored in this area.  The EC has been told that as this is a non habitable area and therefore not an urgent repair.  The delay in attempting to do something is not on the side of the EC who were happy to attend to, and would have been happy to do more if first works not adequate.

      Other units in complex with no drainage problem have to ensure any items stored in this area are suitable and are stored correctly (ie not in cardboard boxes and to provide air circulation between items) and owners would have to clean out this area each year to alleviate any mould. 

      If an owner wishes to use this area for whatever purpose, where does the responsibility lie for items stored that are affected by mould?  Could people leave expensive items stored there unattended and claim on the EC?

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    • #12564

            The EC are elected to undertake daily management within the budget and any caveats from the OC -passed at a properly convened AGM.  If the work the EC wished to proceed with was not covered by either of the above and the owners did not call for an extraordinary AGM to stop it – then the EC was not doing its job (this is a tad legalistic but going on interventions by individuals etc can lead to where this appears to be going).

            I would think that strictly speaking there is no such thing as a non-urgent repair; if an item of common property is dysfunctional then the EC should meet ASAP and either seek quotes or arrange repair.  If anyone thinks otherwise then an AGM is called for to decide not to maintain this property.  Otherwise a situation can arise where say a broken light/path/etc affects one unit only; EC members don't care and put off repair indefinitely.

           My understanding is that owners cannot sue an EC, they can only sue an Owner's Corp and if they didn't ask for an AGM then they could only sue each other if it's a joint ownership.


          Thanks for your reply.  But where does an EC stand when the area to be repaired can only be accessed through the unit in question?  And if the owners don't express their oingoing concerns regarding this problem (infact, there has been nothing received by the EC in writing from these owners until 2 weeks ago about this outstanding problem) and the EC wanted to carry out repairs, what then?

          The engineers report stated that this was a minor problem and that some of the issues raised by the owners (ie mould) would have been solved if they had practiced some home maintenance in this area.  The owners however say it is a major problem causing major damage, but they only ever say so at the AGM.  And they never have it listed on the agenda.  Does an EC have to spoon feed its residents?  Owners complain that the EC doesn't do anything.  The owners in this complex have complained about the EC not fixing problems in common areas – problems these owners never made them aware of!  Do EC members have to walk around a complex everyday looking for problems or should responsible adult residents who notice a problem (and walk past it day after day) actually tell someone so they can fix it?


            Hi Struggler


            Section 62(1) of the Strata Schemes Management Act states:


            1) An owners corporation must properly maintain and keep in a state of good and serviceable repair the common property and any personal property vested in the owners corporation.

            Consequently, if the mould is caused by defective common property, then the owners corporation is required to not only repair the cause of the mould but also compensate the affected lot owners for loss or damage incurred as a result of the defective common property.

            So, the key question is, what is the cause of the mould?


            Chris Kerin
            Senior Lawyer
            TEYS Lawyers
            The Strata Law Experts
            02 9562 6500
            Suite 73, Lower Deck
            Jones Bay Wharf
            26-32 Pirrama Rd
            Pyrmont NSW 2009

            Don't miss our next  monthly webinar: Death On The Common Property – Who's Guilty?


              What happens if an owner will not let someone in to do the work/inspect the area (this problem needs access through the unit)?  What happens if the EC wants to go ahead with the scope of works and see if that fixes the problem and the owners will not let them as they do not like the scope of works?  What is an owners responsibility for their own possessions if they know of a problem that could cause damage and keep leaving items in this area?

              The EC has no problem attending to this problem.  The EC wants to get it fixed.  Is EC required to keep paying for reports until the owners are happy (money that would be better spent on works and further reports if necessary)?  How can the EC go ahead?

              The Strata Manager advised the EC that as this was a non habitable area (being a room off garage with low ceilings, no windows) that it was not classed as urgent repair.  This was confirmed by Fair Trading.  This problem would have already been attended to, if not fixed, if the EC had its way. It would have been possible to see if the works did infact alleviate this problem (there will always be some problems with the basement rooms of these units due to their design/the lay of the land).  The EC could have then had another assessment of the area and tried the next suggested solution.

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