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  • #63594

      Our building was built in 1969 and our fire safety approval was under Ordinance 70/71. We have what is called a Dry Fire Hydrant system and although this type of system would not be approved for installation these days it has always been grandfathered in our AFSS by our fire safety contractor. This year they would not approve it even though they have done so for the last 15 years.
      A dry hydrant system has no water in the pipes throughout the building and needs to be primed if there is a fire. Modern systems are always primed with water in the system.
      To retro fit a new system into our building will be extremely hard plus very expensive.
      We want to get an independent fire safety engineer to come and advise us as to what is the best approach eg hose reel instead of hydrant or something else.
      If anyone has used a good independent fire safety engineer we would be very grateful if you could pass on their details.
      Thank you


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