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  • #39354

      Hi all.

      we live in a complex where there is a stack of units at the back and another 4 units separated from the main complex right at the front of the property.

      the 4 units all have a front court yard each and an intercom each that allows visitors to press and then the owner of that particular unit can let them in. By this I mean they have an external intercom for each unit.

      The main complex has the same setup but it just has one intercom at the main door and you press the unit number to buzz them.

      one of the front units has problems with the outdoor intercom unit.

      My question is about who is responsible. Is it the particular unit owner or is it the body corporate.

      Obviously if the unit for the main complex was faulty then it’s the body corporate but does this apply for all intercoms?


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    • #39383

        Assuming you’re in NSW, my guess is that unless it says otherwise in your strata management plan or your by-laws, all owners are responsible collectively for all intercoms – i.e. the people in the front building would have to contribute to repairs for those in the rear building.  The only obvious exception would be if the residents in the affected unit had damaged the intercom in some way.

        The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
        Lady Penelope

          Just in case you are in QLD (the use of the term ‘body corporate’ may hint at SJ1965 being from QLD) …… the intercom may not be the responsibility of the body corporate.

          Utility infrastructure is not necessary a “common property” matter for which the Body Corporate is liable.  If the infrastructure is on common property, but solely supplies an individual lot – the owner of the lot is liable.  Pipes, wires etc are included as utility infrastructure.

          A definition of utility infrastructure is found here: https://www.qld.gov.au/law/housing-and-neighbours/body-corporate/maintenance/utility


            My apologies I’m located in the ACT.

            Sir Humphrey

              I also am in the ACT. I think this is something that could be argued either way. If the units at the front are ‘class B’ units but the stack of units are ‘class A’ it might complicate how it might be argued. Still I think you could jump either way.

              If a utility service is provided for the potential benefit of all units, facilities associated with the provision of that service are an Owners Corporation (OC) maintenance responsibility (UTMA s.24). So, it might be argued, the OC is providing an intercom service to all units and should fix any part of that service. If the OC wanted to go this way, it might pass a resolution declaring that it accepts that the provision, repair and maintenance of an intercom service to all units is an OC responsibility.

              On the other hand, it could be argued that the individual intercoms on the separate units at the front of the complex are individually the responsibility of those individual units to repair and maintain. Each intercom is only providing a service to that one unit, a fact that remains unaltered by part of the device being on common property. The intercom on the ‘stack’ at the back, it could similarly be argued, does not service all units and is a responsibility of just the subset of units that are in the ‘stack’.

              If the OC wanted to put it beyond doubt that it was an individual responsibility – just the ‘stack’ units share the cost of repair and maintenance of the stack intercom and the ‘front’ units are each responsible to fix their individual intercoms – the OC could pass a special resolution at a general meeting to that effect. It could be registered as an amendment to the OC rules. If anyone were to persist with an argument that it was an OC responsibility, the special resolution would also have satisfied the requirements of s.25 of the Act, whereby an OC may exempt itself from a maintenance responsibility by special resolution if it would not have a significant adverse effect on the appearance of the common property or the safety of occupiers of the units or the public.



                Thanks for the informative response Sir Humphrey.

                In our case the front stack and rear stack are the same class so I’m assuming that would lean more towards it being an OC responsibility?

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